วันศุกร์ที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Moissanite Stones

Moissanite Stones

Moissanite Stones

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 03:20 AM PDT

The natural moissanite has a fascinating story, and Nobel laureate Dr. Henri Moissan you can discover the world for the gift of a meteorite that crashed to thank the thousands of years the Arizona desert. The results were surprising – Today, moissanite is produced artificially.

Natural moissanite is too minute to be of great interest to jewelers and jewelry enthusiasts. However, the synthetic version is currently in productionexclusively by Charles & Colvard, Ltd. is a different story.

Given that research and development process CREE started in 1980, the market now with amazing clarity and shining stones. Moissanite stones are of a similar hardness and durability is set with diamonds. Cubic zirconia can, the "synthetic" diamonds moissanite choice, to come forward, not hold a candle to this mineral.

In fact, a test protocol does not recognize the conventionalDifference between moissanite and diamonds at all. But it is sold for no more than 1:10, which is not a diamond larger and lower costs of 1:5.

A moissanite stones are designed flawlessly with a cutting machine. Stones are now available for an unlimited range of imaginative ideas jewels. Currently it seems that the most popular formats for moissanite jewels "stand-alone 'for the heart-shaped or pear brilliant, trillions of dollars, and the Round Square, to beOval, the brilliant and the marquise. They are almost colorless, perfectly accessible and available in selected stores that guarantee authenticity.

The fact that moissanite stones than diamonds, emeralds, sapphires and rubies of brilliance – and a rock that stands for less than $ 400 – this stone ensures a significant place in history. The stone is now so popular that Zirconia much less valuable, previously known only as imitation diamonds, it has now passed asmoissanite. Care is therefore very advisable to buy.

