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Moissanite VS diamonds and other diamond alternatives

Moissanite VS diamonds and other diamond alternatives

Moissanite VS diamonds and other diamond alternatives

Posted: 09 Jul 2011 08:40 AM PDT

Before you jump into the real meat of the topic, let some fresh air made us …

FACT: The diamonds are the most elegant of all the precious stones.
FACT: Diamonds are one of the most expensive of all precious stones.
FACT: diamonds and diamond jewelry is a joy to wear.
FACT: Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
FACT: Most of us do not, can a real natural diamonds.

Consider when thinking of alternatives to diamond or diamond-imitation, most of us only replace the traditional fake diamond engagement rings as a pendant or silver.

Fortunately, the technology is so advanced that it is now several alternatives to natural diamonds on the market. Most of the collection of the same natural beauty of diamonds without denting your wallet to succeed them.

Moissanite is an alternative.

Moissanite diamonds are twice the fire and a similar pattern of diamonds in light refraction.> Moissanite diamonds sparkle with brilliance and luster, and cost a fraction of the price that makes them highly desirable.

You may be wondering … What is Moissanite?

Moissanite is a mineral that was discovered in 1893 by Henri Moissan, who initially misidentified as a diamond. Moissanite is in strong competition with diamonds, as it has many similarities. If you look to the naked eye moissanite isdifficult to distinguish from a diamond for the following reasons.

Moissanite is relatively cheap compared to the cost of natural diamonds, but the rest of the properties are very similar. Another alternative to Russian diamonds diamonds. Russian diamonds has been developed by Russian scientists for use in its optical space satellite program.

But they found the property to be so similar to natural diamond, have begun to use it for jewelry. In the searchAlternatively, it is necessary for a diamond like characteristics with the biggest bang for your money.

Both, Moissanite and Russian Brilliants have the following characteristics …

Both are very strong and can be used for generations – as natural diamonds.
Both the fire and brilliance that make them attractive.
However, it is difficult to produce a pure white moissanite, moissanite so often seems a little 'green in natural sunlight.

With thissaid it is rare and very expensive to find a pure white diamond, as well.

On the other hand, is the fire and brilliance of Moissanite diamonds Russians even better than it is durable, colorless and flawless -. The alternative flawless diamond. Russian Diamonds are even cheaper than moissanite.

Knowing the search for best fake diamond or diamond imitation jewelry depressed alternatives to natural diamonds, but not in a positionafford a natural diamond. A choice will help you stand out from the crowd without going bust.

